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Our Mission

The mission of IMAC is to become a cutting-edge organization representing the Kingdom of God, bringing about spiritual, social, and economic transformation and renewal in the greater Wilmington community.  To carry out this mission IMAC is committed to the following strategic initiatives:

The Application of Biblical Principles: Organize prayer initiatives; annual worship services; annual city-wide revival; celebration of a Day of Prayer and Fasting.


Social and Economic Justice: Develop initiatives that address poverty, unemployment and housing disparities.


Ecumenical Fellowship: Increase and improve participation and collaboration among churches and community organizations.

Community Transformation: Develop excellence in the area of public relations between IMAC and the community and the various constituencies we serve



Holistic Health and Wellness: Eliminate disease, health disparities and improve the quality of life through education and awareness; and remedy the social-environmental conditions that cause poor health.


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